Tee and Pip invite the newest member of the the Smoky Writers Mafia to the show after she — that’s special guest M.K. Backstrom, if you’re curious — suggested we all get on mic and talk about Wonder Woman…
…and that’s just what we did. And you’ll find out VERY QUICKLY why we fell in love with this Power Blogger.
00:00 — Episode #76: Wonder Woman from a Writerly Perspective (with Mary Katherine “M.K.” Backstrom)
- Welcome to the podcast Mary Katherine Backstrom of Mom Babble and Scary Mommy!
- Tee cashes in on the new friendship with M.K.
- Tee is the odd man out with this discussion on Wonder Woman, and that is just fine.
- Quick check of the household, kids-wise to find out who did you go see Wonder Woman with?
- M.K. went on a date with the hubby.
- For Tee and Pip, it was a family outing.
- Sonic Boom’s take on Batman Vs. Superman…
- …and here’s our take on it and Suicide Squad.
- For M.K., the movie was way more emotional than she expected.
- Pip’s emotions swelled with both Moana and Wonder Woman.
- Tee knew it was going be a good ride with the film’s soundtrack.
- Tee found a few takeaways from Wonder Woman…
- That moment when Lynda Carter rendered Tee speechless.
- Differences between Carter’s Diana and Gadot’s Diana
- When dudes write for Wonder Woman…
- There wasn’t eye candy for guys in this movie? Well, depends on the guy…
- “Why, yes, I do like older women.”
- How Steve Trevor was written…
- Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman with men writing for her…
- Both Pip and M.K. want to vacation on Themyscira.
- A quick House of Cards tangent…
- Some love for Etta!
- The scene at Trafalgar Square
- M.K.’s advantage over Tee and Pip: No other Wonder Woman eras to compare to.
- The emotional impact of World War I (and Pip’s trivia on that moment)
- Social commentary in Wonder Woman? It could happen.
- The storytelling of Wonder Woman compared to the storytelling of Batman Vs. Superman
- Girl Power in Wonder Woman: Organic or Heavy Handed?
- M.K. gets the Analogy Bell!
- Tables turned back to Tee
- Is Tee getting woman-splained? Well, yeah, he is. *LOL*
- SERIOUS FEMINIST LOVE FOR ALIENS! (Where was the male outrage there?)
- Commentary on the inevitable love scene…which still caught Tee, Pip, and M.K. by surprise.
- Did we think Wonder Woman was perfect? Oh no, not by a longshot…
- Tee’s simple question to ask if things in Wonder Woman were looking to take a wrong turn.
- An odd tangent over Marvel’s Pepper Potts
- When you have to dig this deep for flaws, you’re reaching.
- Wonder Woman raises the bar for Justice League.
- A debate over Batman.
- Does Diana dig sushi?
- Joss Whedon has now stepped in. What is in store, you think?
- 51:34 — The Wrap-Up
- time flies when you are having fun with new friends.
- Ranking Wonder Woman against the other superheroes to date. Marvel and DC lines be damned!
- Where can you find M.K.? Check her out at BlogHer in Orlando, FL!
- Where are we going to be?
- 16-18 June, AwesomeCon in Washington D.C. (TEE IS SPEAKING TODAY! DON’T MISS IT!)
- 30 June-July 2, BlerDCon in Washington D.C.
- 14-16 July, Motor City Steam Con in Detroit, MI
Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.