This episode Pip and Tee are joined in the studio with Canadian powerhouse writer, KT Bryski.
00:00 Introduction, and a little Vanessa Ives
- Tee wonders why he bothers…
- KT Bryski joins us in the studio even while we have a Penny Dreadful moment.
- KT drops the F-bomb and admits for an undying love of Eva Greene.
- Pip finally gets a drink, a Winchester Ciderworks Malice, while a jug of Paranoia from Pen Druid Brewery awaits upstairs. The other two breweries KT and Tee partook from were Old Busthead and Dogfish Head.
- Tee did the Dogfish Dash and the daughters make signs!
- Tee has an interesting breakfast at the Dash, while the only beer Pip likes is donedoneDONE! (until next year)
- Pip grabs a Dogfish Head Beach Beer with vodka in it. Noice!
11:18 Talking about grant writing
- An artist who wants to live!
- Exposure will kill you, especially in Canada!
- In grant writing, KT is showing that she is using Canadian talent, and showcase Canadian stories.
- KT is writing an audio drama containing five Canadian folk pieces.
- Tee is disappointed by the lack of back-bacon, but this is more about awareness of Canadian culture.
- Breaking down the budget is important. Where does every penny go?
- KT is asking for a modest amount, but how did she learn how to write this?
- Friends are very useful, especially when they have taken a grant writing course
- Writing a grant is not a press release. It is an academic breakdown. Plain words, plain paper.
- Use affirmative words, as if you are already in process.
- So why didn’t KT use Kickstarter or Paetron?
- KT actually does believe in spreading Canadian culture—that’s why!
- Pip talks a little bit about something similar in New Zealand, but not being able to find enough actors…New Zealand actors!
- We talk about government programs…
- Just because something is produced in Canada, doesn’t make it Canadian…
- What happens to a grant after you’ve written it
- Letters of support from people like…Tee and Pip. Pip has experience with introducing people to foreign cultures!
- Are you a professional?
- Campfire Radio Theatre, Coxwood History Fun Park, and Beneath Northumberland are where you can find Blythe Haynes in action.
- Ask KT if she’d do it again once she gets to the end!
- It’s been quite a long three years.
29:53 Voicemail!!
- Tee has a new bumper!!
- We need more voicemail…send it!!
- Call us back Nobilis
- Chris Lester of Metamor City calls about the Nazi romance, and it’s all about Esther.
- However…the romance and shoehorned romance make it wrong.
- Tee calls it treason KT didn’t hear the last Shared Desk, but she figures it out
36:56 Wrapping it up with KT
- Don’t forget to call us at 703.791.1701 and leave us voicemail, even as Pip’s cider kicks in.
- Find KT right here
- Sign up for our social media for writers course
- We’ll be at Steampunk Unlimited with Unwoman and Abney Park
- Your MiniCon in Connecticut in January!
- KT has a book coming out soon. Heartstealer…look for it soon!
- Meanwhile she continues to sling beer at Black Creek, before heading off to pick up her diploma
- And everyone is looking forward to Smokey Writers
- Tee and Pip try adopting KT
Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or question for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.