Tag Archives: craft

Episode #100: What a RIDE!

The Shared Desk
New Show Art by Candy Cane Studios
  • They said we couldn’t make it… whoever they are…
  • Pip and Tee chose Birds of Prey for their Valentine’s movie!
  • We get cheers from chat!

3:04 Let’s Look Back

  • Pip tried to count Dog Days of Podcasting that Tee did in 2018
  • Consistency… well not so much our thing….
  • Episode 1… we started off pretty exclusively about the craft!
  • And we started with the idea of half hour episodes…

7:23 Types of episodes

  • We’ve done craft and business episodes
  • But our most downloaded episode was Episode 59, about Penny Dreadful from a writer’s point of view
  • Then we’ve covered, marketing, had guests in show, and recorded from events
  • Then there are the odd ones…
  • And the evergreen content ‘writers did what now?’

9:29 Let’s talk about guests

14:02 We Tracked Smoky Writers

  • From the beginning, our beloved retreat was covered. Either there, or a post-retreat review
  • Our largest guest episode, with all the microphones!
  • Pip reflects on the fun stuff represented by the Shared Desk

14: 55 Consistency? What’s that??

  • Sometimes we slipped…
  • Editing is a thing… we don’t like to just release into the wild
  • Deadlines and families to come first… podcasting fell by the way side
  • Some years have been easier than others
  • We started streaming in 2018, episode 90.
  • Streaming has kept us more on track

17:28 Memories of past segments

  • Eagle vs kiwi — limited options after a point
  • Crazy Uncle Charlie — his time passed (Pip was happy about that)
Charlie went to do his own thing…

20:32 Picking out some favorite episodes and topics

  • Pip mentions episode 23, where we talked about a writer’s kit and giveaway swag
  • Tee diverts into Penny Dreadful side rant…
  • Pip and Tee discuss some of the changes to swag people expect
  • Pip mentions the 99c book promo choices authors make
  • The infamous way Goodreads reviewers mark books before they’ve even been released
  • Giving away your work, you need to be careful how you do it
  • The short story market has changed over the course of this podcast
  • Work for free is still however something to be avoided
  • SFWA has also changed… and improved!
  • Print is still alive!
  • Pip’s patreon got started in the middle of the Shared Desk

36:37 Live shows!

  • A lot of fun has been had at a lot of conventions
  • Episode 75 from the SFWA Nebula Awards show. One of Tee’s favs
  • Our first on the road show, was Author’s After Dark
  • Demi-Con was a blast, and Tee was Guest of Honor
  • Alyson Grauer we met there, and has a book out
  • PC Haring showed us around

40:47 Pip can’t recall and episode

  • The mysterious episode 45… the world is full of disturbing books
  • Oh and it was a racist POS
  • The Shared Desk could be writers behaving badly

41:52 Pip’s Favorite

  • Episode 51: The ABC
  • Recorded around the time of the book cover shoot. Featuring Verena Vorsatz and Christina Payton.
  • Quite a memorable time

46:21 Pip gets the credit

  • Tee riffs on Pip causing the whole damn thing
  • So many good times, so many good friends.
  • We met the Kellys just because of this podcast
  • What a grand time it’s been…
  • Thank you for all the support and love
We mean it…

If you have an event and want The Shared Desk to appear there, or if you just want to share an opinion about the show, here’s where to find us… 703.791.1701
…and social media, of course.

Show art by Candy Cane Studios

Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on Spotify,  iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Filed under Episodes

The Dog Days of Podcasting: Look for the Hook

Special thanks to Corbin J Drake for the photo.

Fresh from the workout, The Dog Days of Podcasting takes you on a nostalgic trip, or at least on a bumpy ride, to the 80’s. Okay, the 80’s that Tee remembers…and he addresses the dangers of too much nostalgia and too much meta. Remember — it’s your story people want to hear.




Find Tee on Twitter here,
leave a voicemail or questions for the Dog Days of Podcasting at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
I’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find this show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

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Filed under Special Featurettes

Episode #29: All About Stonecoast (with Katie Bryski!)


After two days of recording and a plethora of technical glitches, we are back for another episodes with our new intern and return Canuck, ForeWord-nominated author, Katie Bryski! Join us as Katie, fresh from Stonecoast, come in-studio to talk about this amazing experience that she has embarked upon…

00:00 — Introduction

  • We are on a roll!!!
  • G’day, eh? We have a guest in the studio again! Throw on the back bacon — it’s Katie Bryski!
  • Things you shouldn’t do after the Smoky Writers: Have your liver tested.
  • Pip bitches about the drop-in’s. Again. (And remember this…for later on in the show…)
  • Since the Smoky Writers events, what have Tee & Pip been up to?
    • The Silver Pharaoh is submitted to Laurie.
    • Wolf in the Fold is also submitted to Laurie.
    • Audio recording for Ministry Protocol is underway.
    • Tee’s still job hunting, still working on Wolf in the Fold, and also working on something for Valentine’s Day.
  • What Katie has been up to since Stonecoast?
    • She’s our intern for February!
    • Katie is still working on a book that is formally known as formerly known as Styx.
    • In Season Three of Tales from the Archives, things get very Canadian!

 14:48 — All about Stonecoast (with Katie Bryski) 

  • The first challenge of Stonecoast: Get to the right Portland!
  • What exactly is Stonecoast?
    • Masters of Fine Arts in Creative Writing
    • Low-Residency (so you can do this from home…)
    • Residency is in Portland, ME
  • Tee’s mic problems and Pip’s odd need for editing…eh, just go with it!
  • Working with Mentors (who are working authors)
  • This isn’t NaNoWriMo or a writers’ retreat, folks. This is graduate school. For writers.
  • And there is Tee, just being far too ‘Murican.
  • From #MicFAIL to #DropInFAIL
  • Pip asks who would Tee want to have as his Writing Mentor…and Pip makes an uber-#SteampunkFAIL.
  • But Katie is a published author already…so why does Katie need a Masters Degree in Writing?
  • Katie looks at the goals of Stonecoast she’s looking to accomplish through this program.
  • Tee and Pip are a touch green with envy over Katie’s journey with Stonecoast.
  • For someone who hates drop-in’s, Pip’s asking a lot from Tee in this episode.
  • Does Stonecoast have business angles covered?
  • Stonecoast offers another aspect of the writers’ community

33:44 — Seriously?! Seriously.

  • Another #DropInFAIL but we’ll get this…
  • It’s kind of important before you go into a blog tour to know what to do when you’re on a blog tour.
  • Copy-Paste-Here’s-Your-Blogpost….no, that’s not what you do.
  • If you are too busy to go on a blog tour because you are too busy promoting, you’re lost in #EpicFAIL
  • There are bigger problems afoot if you don’t have evergreen blog content to offer a blog tour.
  • Is the problem a lack of ideas? (As we show, nope.)

41:25 — The Wrap-Up

  • So excited that we have Katie for a little more time!
  • Katie is gathering a lot of dirt on it.
  • And she’s a good intern ’cause she’s getting Tee coffee!
  • Pip and Tee struggle to keep the show on target
    • Weather Child now has a cover.
    • Tee & Pip head down to Richmond for The Writers’ Show!
    • Dawn’s Early Light hits the shelves at the end of March!
    • Something special coming up in February….
    • Oh yeah, RavenCon as well!
  • Sweet as! Katie is coming to Balticon!!! And she’s talking about beer!!!
  • We need a better sign-off for Katie…
Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or question for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.



Filed under Episodes