Tag Archives: Instagram

Episode #87: Facebook Changes & WTF RVA?!?

Following a super-sized Shared Desk, Pip and Tee fly on their own in this fast-paced, jammed-packed episode that we put together based on some current events happening both online and close to home. First, your hosts comment on the 800-pound gorilla of social media, Facebook. Changes have taken place and authors are freaking out. But should day? Do you have options? Well, of course you do; and after breaking down the Facebook situation, Tee and Pip talk about the good in diversifying your social media platforms.

The next current event is a rant. Tee lets loose on shenanigans happening in his hometown, and these shenanigans involve a con-artist The Shared Desk is more-than-familiar with.

00:00 —  Introduction

  • This is a suitcase we need to unpack seriously…
  • it was a good day today in Tee’s Twitch stream.
  • Always remember where you park your TARDIS.
  • How nice — a backlog for Smoky 2018!

01:25 —  Episode #87: Part One – Facebook Changes

  • Pushing back a chat with K.T. Bryski in light of Facebook changes that may affect authors.
  • Additional thoughts on this big change from social media rockstar Erika Napoletano on Facebook.
  • And The Oatmeal has some commentary on this as well.
  • So here we are — at a crossroads with Facebook.
    • Can authors still cope with Facebook?
    • The challenge of handling ads and handling boosted posts
    • The decision to launch an Author Page and just keeping a Facebook Page doubling for Personal Use
    • Blurring Lines
  • Diversifying Social Media Platforms for yourself
    • Where is your audience?
    • Resurrecting old platforms
    • Have you fired up that Twitter account again? Tee has, thanks to Twitch.
    • Instagram Tips and Tricks: Part One
    • Why active boosts with Instagram is great for Likes…but the Conversion Rate is crap. Here’s why.
    • Instagram Tips and Tricks: Part Two
  • Avoid keeping your eggs in one basket

16:48 —  Episode #87: Part Two – WTF RVA?!?

    • Moving on to a rant.
    • Remember this idiot from The Dog Days of Podcasting?

      Well, she’s back. (Thanks, Indiana Jim.)
    • A brief reminder of why this nitwit is not welcome at one of our barbecues…
    • And Tee learns that women can be categorized as jackasses.
    • Lani is coming to Richmond…to coach people on how to “navigate” the New York Times Bestseller List.
    • Shame on you, Writers of Richmond, that you welcome this con artist to a conferences for professional authors! Shame on you!!!


  • No, we’re not naming this conference because they don’t deserve the publicity.
  • Oh yeah, Tee is pissed.
  • The New York Times revoked Sarem’s standing and title, but both Sarem and conference are promoting her as a New York Times Bestseller.
  • Sarem’s bio…and it is a doozy.
  • How many people stay on the NYT Bestseller List for 23 hours?!
  • What the actual F–K, Richmond Writing Community.
  • Don’t even think about contacting this Hometown Success Story to speak at this Sarem-stanked event. It’s done. This conference is DEAD to Tee.
  • Just….GAH!


25:09 — Writers Off the Clock

  • Serena has a sleepover at a friend’s house…so we had some alone time…
  • …so they rented a movie. A movie with a somewhat divided opinion people have over it.
  • So Tee has never read The Dark Tower books, but Pip was a fan of the early volumes.
  • Why were fans upset over The Dark Tower series
  • Idris Elba gets the best costumes, even when the costume is an ugly tweed jacket.
  • Idris needs to do more comedy…
  • How we think it is best to approach The Dark Tower
  • Idris Elba and Matthew McConaughey were amazing in this movie. Solid performances.
  • Distracting Daughter moment. Pardon us.
  • How The Dark Tower fits into the grander King-verse.
  • Idris Elba as The Gunslinger because… YEAH!
  • Idris-McConaughey fantasies….of all kinds.
  • Some other things The Dark Tower has going for it.
  • Worth your time. Kick back and dig it.

37:19 — The Wrap-Up


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode #84: What’s Going On at Goodreads?

We are horrendously late getting this episode out (but don’t sweat it as we’re going to be recording another one next week!) but let’s call it like it is: November was a cray-cray month! After a wild ride between the end of October and the beginning of November, The Shared Desk is reflecting on their week of solid creativity, and also share their thoughts about a creative Kiwi and his recent motion picture that you may have heard of.

So, yeah, it took us a few weeks to getting around to posting this episode. We blame jetlag, the holidays, and smoking meats…

00:00 —  Introduction

08:05 —  Episode #84: What’s Going On at Goodreads?

  • A development over at the social network for authors and readers worldwide: Goodreads
  • Tee thinks this Goodreads situation is actually a good thing, making authors stop and look at the value of a “giveaway” be it on Good Reads or book blogs.
  • What is the real R.O.I. on working with book bloggers and blog tours?
  • So now, what are independent publishers expected to do?
  • Publishers, from our own experience, do not throw money at authors and rarely throw money into promotion.
  • With the free giveaway gone, why stick around with Goodreads?
  • Disagree with us? Then sound off…
    • …on the voicemail at 703-791-1701
    • tee (at) teemorris (dot) com
    • pip (at) pjballantine (dot) com
  • What are the options remaining for authors?
    • Your email list is your email list. Always.
    • Social media platforms like Goodreads, Facebook, and the like? No, they are not there for you.
    • A content creator’s relationship with Facebook
    • Instagram and advertising — nice idea, but…
    • Speaking of Instagram, here’s the new schtick…
  • Tee has been returning to Twitter, thanks to Twitch.
  • Cover Reveals: Pro’s and Con’s
  • The great debate on writers blogging
  • Pip and Tee start planning for 2018…

29:08 — The Loot Crate Lookie-Loo

  • Pip is cutting the show short in order to get to this month’s Loot Crate!
  • Neither Tee nor Pip can remember this month’s theme. Tee guesses…and gets it wrong.
  • November’s Loot Crate: UNIFY
    • From Funko Pop, a Loot Crate exclusive of Overwatch’s Widowmaker
    • The mini Q-Fig celebrates the Power Rangers. (And if you blink, you might miss a Red Ranger sighting in Stranger Things 2)
    • The Tee-Shirt: Voltron…in elegant 8-bit renderings! (Maybe Serena could wear it as a nightshirt.)
    • Wait a minute, Loot Crate, you think your cat is looking rough-and-tumble in the Punisher hat? Hold on…from 2016, thank you……
    • Pin: Superheroes assembled!
    • Comic Book Reprint: Justice League of America (their first appearance), presented by Brave and the Bold
  • Divvying up the Loot
  • Pip sometimes misses those details that matter.
  • Tee is counting down to December’s Loot Crate: EXPLORE.
    • Star Wars
    • Destiny 2
    • Guardians of the Galaxy
    • ….and a mystery franchise.
  • Since we mentioned Guardians of the Galaxy, how about DAT TRAILER!

    • Total nerdgasm at the Morris household!
    • Mantis: “Hey, Hemsworth!”

36:25 — The Wrap-Up

  • A few thoughts on Star Wars Day in Woodbridge, VA. You might want to not compare the U.S. Boy Scouts with…
  • Quick shout-out to TD-0013, the only Imperial Stormtrooper I love!
  • December 16, 10a – 7p — Jirani’s Christmas Con in Manassas, VA
  • Sadly, no MAGFest this year, but…
  • Happy Hour from the Tower is heading to GuardianCon 2018 in July!!!
  • Other events confirmed for 2018:
    • RavenCon (April)
    • Steampunk Symposium (April)
    • Steampunk World’s Fair (May)
  • Eyeing up Balticon for 2018.
  • Two weeks of Shared Desk, I know, right?
  • When did Old town Manassas get cool?
  • Pip’s Patreon will feature the first episode of her ALL-NEW PODCAST!
  • If you have an event and want The Shared Desk to appear there, or if you just want to share an opinion about the show, here’s where to find us…
    • 703.791.1701
    • pip@pjballantine.com
    • tee@teemorris.com
    • …and social media, of course.
  • See you in two weeks!


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode #62: Developments in Social Media for Authors


Oh the times, they are a-changin’…

Social Media has been really busy since we last dropped a show for The Shared Desk, and as we agreed to do in our Social Media for Writers title, we’re going to talk about some of the changes happening as well as go into the best way to maximize your dollar on Facebook and other social media fronts.

00:00 —  Introduction

  • We’re rocking into the Sixties!
  • Tee enjoys the Cute of Melissa Benoist while Pip gets a little homesick.
  • The Hunt for the Wilderpeople. Scribe Approved!
  • Thanks to author and sometimes-guest, Nick Kelly, Tee is recording with FireWire again!
  • Now, moving forward…

01:06 — Episode #62: Developments in Social Media for Writers

  • Today’s show is brought to you by Social Media for Writers.
  • There have been some changes this week in favorite Social Media platforms.
  • Pinterest
    • Talking from the seat of authority is Pip Ballantine, the Pinterest Warrior Princess
    • Cosmetic changes in how pins appear.
    • Looking for the “Pin It” button? Look to you right.
    • Promoted Pins — a new venture, a new opportunity
    • Precautions against SPAM
    • If you want to use a Bit.ly link on Pinterest, don’t bother. (Thanks for the head’s up, Pinterest.)
  • Yeah, we got great communication as a couple!
  • Facebook
    • Facebook changed the layout of the Page…
    • …and chances are you’ve got new algorithms to figure out, too.
    • Yes, Facebook saw record profits this year, but with a billion people using their service, they need to keep the lights on.
    • Do you want to promote a Page or a post? Thanks to Veritasium, here’s why we boost posts…
    • A look back on the fun days of Organic Reach.
    • If you want people to see content, it’s going to cost you.
    • So BE SMART on what you boost.
    • And when people dig your boosted posts, you should notice an uptick in Page Likes.
    • Facebook’s Rules on text in images.
  • Instagram
    • Did you know that Facebook acquired Instagram?
    • Step One: Know where your Instagram profile. Tee does. Pip, on the other hand…
    • A new look and a new option for Instagram accounts…Photo Aug 09, 9 24 21 PM
    • When jumping to a “Business Profile” you decide what you do and don’t share.
    • Yes, now you can go on and directly contact us through Instagram…
      Photo Aug 09, 9 24 39 PMPhoto Aug 07, 10 07 01 PM
    • Now as a Business on Instagram, you can promote images like this….
      Photo Aug 09, 9 31 47 PM
    • CORRECTION: Text-heavy images like the #TeaserTuesday selections can be promoted on Instagram!
    • Analytics are provided.
    • There are a few hiccups to clear, but overall? WOW!
    • It was all thanks to Geektitude and the Average Geek Podcast where Tee discovered this new Instagram feature.
  • And Tee lapses into his inner-Donald. (Sorry about that, folks.)

34:32 — The Loot Crate Lookie-Loo

  • July’s Theme — Futuristic (and Pip’s hosting the honors…)
  • You know all these Loot Crate items we’re setting aside as we’re not into that fandom?
  • A contest that we’re announcing a winner at LaurenCon! Here’s what you have to do!
  • Inside the July crate…
    • A tee-shirt from Rick & Morty
    • Your very own Megaman
  • Pulling back the Butterfly Girl to the topic on hand about what we’re doing with the Loot Crate stuff outside our fandom.
  • Back to the July Crate…
    • A Futurama statue…and Tee thinks it’s pretty cool!
    • Star Trek Live Long & Prosper lapel pin
    • A Valiant Comics exclusive — Valiant 4001 A.D. (with David Mack lending his talents…)
    • Quick Tangent: Tee wrote for Valiant’s Harbinger and Bloodshot for Kindle Worlds
    • A Star Trek Enterprise-D sticker
  • So many fandoms, not enough time…
  • Hey, LootCrate — how about a Stranger Things crate? Something to think about!

43:59 — Wrapping up

  • Closing in to the end of 2016!
  • A couple of people we need to reach out to…
  • Where are we going to be between now and October…
    • 19-21 August, LaurenCon 2016 in an undisclosed location in North Carolina
    • 25 September, Tee is running the 2016 Dogfish Dash, an 8K race at the Dogfish Head Ale Brewery!
    • 14-16 October, Steampunk unLimited in Strasburg, PA
    • 22 October, The Maryland Renaissance Festival in Annapolis, MD for the “Day of Wrong”
    • …and then we’re taking a break. But if you or a friend have an event where you would like to see us…
      • Call us at 703.791.1701 (now accessible through the Instagram app!)
      • Send me email — tee@teemorris.com
      • Send Pip email — pip@pjballantine.com
      • …or find us on social media everywhere.
  • We got projects reaching critical mass. Hopefully, news incoming.
  • Weren’t we taking a break? BREAKS ARE FOR DUDES!



Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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