Tag Archives: Portal

The Shared Desk: Episode #004 — Collaborating in Shared Universes

Hey-hey-hey, podcaster and author P.C. Haring is in town, kicking back with Tee and Pip; so of course the mics are going hot. Here, Tee, Pip, and P.C. go into the mindset when you collaborate with other creators and play in another author’s sandbox.

00:00 — Introduction and Tangents galore

  • The magic of a false start (and BTW, this is Episode 4…)
  • Introductions all around that digress into impressions of Angry Birds
  • Welcoming in-studio guest P.C. Haring, author of Cybrosis
  • Taking a moment to remember Whrrl…
  • …and Wingin’ It from Farpoint Media (where you might still be able to catch hints of Tee podcasting in 2005)

03:38 — Collaborating in Shared Universes

  • Whose sandbox have you played in?
  • What a dirty, dirty sandbox Erotica ala carte is…
  • When working in a shared universe, how hard do the rules apply to your writing style?
  • P.C.’s genesis of “The Seven” featuring Agent Brandon Hill
  • Talking a bit about “The First Day”
  • How guest authors go from writing in canon to creating canon (with a shout out to Jack Mangan)
  • Defining boundaries with your guest authors (and being a pro about it)
  • When you invite writers into your world, expect only one thing — the unexpected!
  • Another advantage of playing in another’s world: Writing out of your comfort zone

33:38 — Writers Off the Clock: Gaming on the xBox 360

  • P.C. Haring…also known as The Great Enabler
  • The story behind the xBox 360, and how we were dodging the gamer’s bullet…until…
  • It all started with Kinectimals and Dance Central
  • Tee squees hard over Batman: Arkham Asylum (and yes, even Pip, a bit of a Batgrrl…)
  • Then comes Portal. (Damn you, P.C. Haring…)
  • Tee flashes back to the days of Myst.
  • And if our banter doesn’t convince you, take a moment to watch this…

  • And here are a few of our current favorites on the iPad:
    • Highborn
    • Galaxy on Fire 2
    • Angry Birds
    • Crimson: Steam Pirates
    • Cowboy Guns
    • Battleheart
    • Tetris
    • Unblock Me
    • Words with Friends
  • Shout out to Felicia Day for her Guild goodness!
  • The good and bad for gaming writers — Give yourself the break, but don’t get lost in the time
  • Leave it to Mister J to get in the last word…

51:39 — The Wrap-Up

  • Kinda nice to have P.C. there for the end and the beginning…
  • Some feedback from Logan Waterman concerning Episode 3 of TSD and High School of the Dead
  • We didn’t think HSotD could get any titillating. Silly us!!!
  • Where you can find P.C. Haring online!
  • P.C. Haring heads to Archon while Tee and Pip head to New York Comic Con!
  • Where you can find us (and even our steampunk characters) online for feedback and questions for Crazy Uncle Charlie


Drop-In’s: Mark Hammil as The Joker in Batman: Arkham Asylum

Websites We Give a Shout-Out to

Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or question for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.


Filed under Episodes