Tag Archives: Tony Stark

Episode #89: New Projects & Balticon

Adjusting to new schedules is hard.

Hard to believe that May got by us so quickly but there you have it. This June, we are working to get back on track with things because, let’s be honest — we’re not podcasting as much because we are launching new projects. So you might want to take notes as we have a LOT to talk about.

00:00 —  Introduction

  • Closing in to that 100th episode…
  • Calling you out, Nobilis!
  • Playing an old favorite plug-in
  • It’s been some time, not that we are light on content…

01:39 —  Episode #89: What We’re Up to and Back to Balticon

30:10 —  Writers Off the Clock

  • Tee is on Twitch, if you didn’t know. He mainly streams Destiny
  • On a whim, Tee purchased a new game for his #ThrillerThursday content…
  • How do you describe Detroit: Become Human?
    • Pip and Tee agree on the mash-up between Blade Runner and Choose Your Own Adventure….
    • …but add in CSI and This Is Us, and you got this video game.
    • A PERFECT addition to #ThrillerThursday
      (The following clip is NSFW, due to salty language….)
  • From a writer’s perspective, this is an incredible experience, starting with the Flowchart.
  • Well done, Quantic Dream.
  • The game mechanics are smooth!
  • Stand-out performance in this video game? Clancy Brown, ladies and gentlemen….
    You can’t miss him!
  • That Chloe is a guilt-dealing bee-atch!!! 
  • This is why you can’t stop talking about this game…

40:29 — The Loot Crate Lookie-Loo

  • Tee and Pip thought this was May’s Loot Crate. Turns out it is April’s: ARTIFACTS.
  • What is in the April Loot Crate?
    • A tee-shirt of Thanos and the Infinity Gauntlet from The Avengers: Infinity War.
      • Nope. Too soon.
      • On looking back at Thanos’ plan…
      • And Pip’s got mad comic book knowledge.
      • Thanos, bond villains, and mad dictators
      • Back to your box, Morris…
    • Dark Crystal notecards
    • A Legend of Zelda map
    • The pin…that looks like the cup of a carpenter.
    • What do you mean you have never seen The Court Jester?!
    • Finally, it’s FRODO!
  • AND TEE’S DESTINY CRATE IS ON THE WAY!!! (Going to open that up here…)

48:56 — The Wrap-Up


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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